When you save an email with "Auto save future emails to/from this address" selected, the add-in should automatically save all inbound/outbound emails from/to that address that were received or sent after the initial email. It won't automatically save any emails before that, and it will only run the autosave while the add-in is open.
If that's not the case, please follow the instructions below to assist our team to identify the request/console logs from the add-in.
Our team have developed an auto-logging function to access the email add-in error logs. In order for our team to accurately identify your error and the issue you are facing, please send an email to [email protected] with the following information, and we will investigate the issue further:
The Email of the User who is reporting the issue
The Client ID (if not known please use your Organisational or Departmental Name)
The Name of the Project you are saving to
The Contact Email (i.e. the one that should be in the SstkAutoSave group)
The Subject of the Email, and the Received Date of the Email
Optional: screenshots of the error messages or related email add-in process issues.
If this is not able to resolve the issue, or your issue is more complex you may be asked to provide your local system error logs. To send us those logs please follow this process:
Step 1 - Prepare to reproduce the issue:
Open the add-in for an arbitrary email and log out of it
Identify one of the addresses with the autosave issue and remove the autosave contact for it
Find the oldest email to/from this address that you want to save to Simply Stakeholders and isn't already saved and open the add-in for it, but don't log in yet
Step 2 - Open the developer tools for the add-in:
If Outlook is using the newer Edge Chromium WebView, you should be able to focus the add-in and press F12 (or Fn + F12 on some laptops) to open the developer tools.
If Outlook is using the older EdgeHTML WebView:
Open the add-in in Outlook
Run the Edge DevTools
In the window that opens, select "Darzin Software"
Step 3 - With the developer tools open:
Log into the add-in again
Save the email with "Auto save future emails to/from this address" selected
Wait for 15 minutes with the add-in open to allow it to run the next autosave
In the developer tools, open the Console tab
Right click on a message in this tab, select "Save as..." and save the file
If there's no "Save as..." option, copy all the content in this tab and save it to a text file
Open the Network tab
Click the "Export HAR..." or "Export as HAR" button (this will look like a Save or Download icon) and save the file