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Message Templates
Message Templates

Create and use message templates in Simply Stakeholders for interactions and group mail efficiently.

Katie Kinder avatar
Written by Katie Kinder
Updated over a week ago

Creating and Using Message Templates in Simply Stakeholders

Only Administrators can create Message Templates. These Message Templates are unique to the Project you create them in, and can be made default, visible or made inactive as needed.

Any Project User will be able to access the templates once created.

Message Templates are an excellent way to streamline communications processes via Interactions to ensure consistent recording of common interactions such as enquiries or complaints. It is also an excellent way to set up a branded Newsletter or Project Update for Group Mail.

Key Steps:

  1. Accessing Message Templates:

    • As an administrator, go to Admin Setting > Account Configuration and select Message Templates.

  2. Creating a New Template:

    • Click on "Create Template".

    • Choose between "Group Mail" or "Interaction".

    • Enter a title for the template and select the appropriate category.

    • Add a description for the template.

    • Specify if the template should be the default for new interactions / group mail.

    • Make sure it is ticked 'Visible'.

  3. Adding Key Details:

    • Enter key questions or details in the template.

    • Use formatting options like bold headings for better organisation.

  4. Saving the Template:

    • Once all key details are added, click on "Save" to save the template.

  5. Using the Template:

    • To use the template go to +Create > Interaction / Group Mail.

    • Select the appropriate template from the list of templates available.

    • Fill out the template with the specific details of the interaction.

  6. Editing an Existing Template:

    • Go to account configuration and select "Message Templates"

    • Locate a Template you want to edit and click the pen icon to edit

    • Edit the template

    • To make the Template inactive, untick 'Visible'.

    • Click out of the window to save the changes


  • Ensure that all key details are accurately entered in the template to provide clear guidance to team members.

  • Avoid making the template too lengthy or complex, as it may lead to confusion during interactions.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Regularly review and update templates to ensure they reflect current processes and requirements.

  • Encourage team members to familiarise themselves with the available templates to streamline the interaction process.

  • Utilise formatting options like bold headings to make key details stand out for easy reference.

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