Simply Stakeholders has a premium (paid add-on) AI-driven feature for summarizing text. The text summarization feature allows you to quickly, easily and accurately summarise blocks of text longer than 80 words.
Details and Overview
To access the text summarization feature for your account, please contact your Customer Success Account Executive to discuss this premium feature.
You can summarize an Interaction by opening an Interaction record, navigating to the Details Tab and clicking on the Summarize button at the top of the Interaction Message box. This will quickly and accurately summarize content of 80 words or more into a short paragraph, referencing the key details of the Interaction.
Why and how would you use it?
This function within Simply Stakeholders’ allows customers to quickly and accurately summarize long pieces of content into a short, easy to read summary. This is extremely helpful when trying to quickly understand a lengthy Interaction record; for when you are preparing reports; or for any other time you might need a short summary of key Interactions:
No additional work required to read, consolidate and summarize your Interaction records
Able to be used for reporting purposes
Accurate and fast, using AI-driven technology
Use the summaries generated for quick reference in meetings or reports to enhance productivity and communication.
Who benefits from it
Getting started with the module/function
To use the AI-driven Text Summarization feature:
Access the Text Summarization Feature
Summarize Content
Click on the 'Summarize' feature button. Hover over it for information.
Ensure your content is at least 80 words long. If it meets the requirement (there is a word count at the bottom of your Message Type card), click the 'Summarize' button
Image shows red arrow pointing to word count in the Message Type Card.
View Summary
Utilize Summary for Reporting
Use the summarized content for reporting and understanding interactions effectively.
Contact for Feature Activation
If you need this feature activated for your account, reach out to your Customer Success Account Executive or email [email protected], noting that this is a premium feature.
Ensure that the content you wish to summarize is a minimum of 80 words; otherwise, the summarization feature will not function.