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Auto Generate Tags

Automatically generating tags on the Simply Stakeholders platform

SiSta (Customer Success) avatar
Written by SiSta (Customer Success)
Updated over 7 months ago

Tags allow you to categorize and filter your data based on important key words that you set as Tags.

As an Administrator you can set new Tags to Auto-Generate under Stakeholders, Properties, Interactions and Tasks. This means that these Tags will generate automatically on new Stakeholders, Properties, Interactions or Tasks, and will not need to be added manually.

To set Auto-Generating Tags, go to Admin Settings>Tracking & Data Organisation >Manage Tags

Once open, you will see any previously set-up Auto Generating Tags displayed below.

To add a new Tag - Select the Plus Icon beside 'Tags'

To add a Tag to a Stakeholder, Property, Interaction or Task, click the box beneath the relevant icon (hovering on an icon will display its category). Once ticked the page will save this automatically.

Interactions created with word/words matching the visible Tags exactly will trigger the auto generation. For manually adding additional Tags use the 'Generate Tags' button in the Annotations card or the Manage button in the Tags card.

Once added, Tags will backdate to already existing data under the relevant category that. For example, if I set a Tag to auto-generate for all interactions, this tag will be applied to my past interactions as well as new ones.

Note: For auto tagging to work, each Tag must be starred (visible) and selected (green tick) under the 'Interaction' icon.

Please see the below video for a demonstration.

Manage Historical Data

You can Auto-Tag historical interactions based on the selected mode, within the Project you are in. This will only apply to interactions that you have permission to access in the current project.

If you wish to backdate your auto generate tags, to update and auto-tag your historical data you will need to:

  1. Navigate to the Admin Settings Menu > Data Management > Manage Historical Data

  2. Select which mode you wish to apply:

    1. All Interactions: this will apply to all interactions within your project that you have access permissions to.

    2. Interactions without tags: this will apply only to all interactions that are not tagged within your project and that you have access permissions to.

  3. Press the Start Auto-Tagging button to auto tag your historical interactions:

If you have any further questions, please get in touch with your Customer Success Account Executive or contact us on [email protected].

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