You can export your Stakeholders, Interactions, Tasks or Properties, using filters to segment your data. You can also export your Users and use the Audit function to export data regarding the use of the platform.
You may wish to segment your data into projects, and possibly further into categories based on contact groups or tags to export your records in relevant spreadsheets to your projects or work stages.
The data export process is as follows:
You can go into Stakeholders, Interactions, Properties, or Tasks to download your records
Your User lists can be filtered and exported
You can use the Audit function to export reports on audit functions
Most Administration or account settings cannot be exported so you will need to screenshot or copy the data across from the admin screens. Your Customer Success Account Executive can provide you with a template for this.
Group Mail cannot be exported; but you can go into each Group Mail item and screenshot the sent page to record the key details
Click through the articles in the Exporting Records collection to see the individual processes and steps.
Exporting Users
You can export your Users via the Administration menu. To find out how to do this, please review our User Management Help Note. The User report will be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet.
Exporting via the Audit Function
You can use the Audit function to export data regarding the use of the platform. To find out how to do this, please review our Audit Help Note. The Audit report will be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet.