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Twilio - setting up SMS

Information on how to set up your Twilio account to allow for in-app SMS delivery.

Katie Kinder avatar
Written by Katie Kinder
Updated over a week ago

Twilio is a secure SMS delivery service utilised by Simply Stakeholders giving User the ability to notify stakeholders by SMS.

If you'd like to use the SMS function to send individual or group text messages to stakeholders, you need to first set up an account/sub-account with Twilio. You have two options, Option 1 is that you purchase a sub-account via Darzin Software and Option 2 is that you set up your own account.

Option 1 - Sub-account

If you wish to set up your SMS integration via a Twilio sub-account, please get in touch with your Customer Success Account Executive or email [email protected] and we will provide you with a quote. Once you have accepted the quote, we will arrange to purchase your credits and do all the account configuration for you. Once this has been completed, you will be able to log into Simply Stakeholders and use the SMS function.

To assist us with setting up your sub-account, please provide us with the following:

  • Business Name

  • Business Address

  • Business ID - e.g. ABN or ACN

  • Supporting document - Commercial register or equivalent

Option 2 - set up your own account

If you would prefer to set up your own account, please go to Twilio and set up a Messaging SMS plan, ensuring you select the country you will be sending SMS from.

You will need to purchase credits for your account (this is a transaction between you and Twilio, Darzin does not charge any fee or take any commission on this).

You will need to set up a Messaging Service with the Webhook URL. Twilio has an excellent Help page for support with setting up your account.

Once you are logged into your Twilio account, on the left, click on Phone Numbers > Manage > Buy a number

  • Select AU (+61) (Or the relevant country code) as the Country

  • Unselect all Capabilities except SMS and click Search

  • Select any number with SMS support and click Buy

  • In the popup, click Next

  • Select Business and click Next

  • Select the Client bundle and address and then click Buy

After you have your Twilio Account SID and Auth Token

  1. Login to Simply Stakeholders

  2. Go to Admin Settings > Account Configuration

  3. Click on Twilio

  4. Enter your Account SID and Auth Token

If you have any difficulty with any of these steps, your Customer Success Account Executive can assist you to troubleshoot, or contact us on [email protected].

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