In the summary tab of your stakeholder, you can manage the timeline of interactions, link relationships, and add tags.
The timeline shows a history of the engagement and tasks related to the stakeholder. To Manage (Add) additional interactions or tasks;
Click on Manage
βSelect either Interaction or Task
Find the relevant interaction or create a new one
βThe interaction will be added automatically, and the pop-up box can be closed.
Tags can vary from keywords to phrases or topics that relate to your project. The purpose of tagging is to identify the emerging themes, topics, or issues within your engagement with stakeholders.
How to assign a Tag
Navigate to the Tagging card
Click on Manage
Select the relevant Tag/s or click on + Add new tags to create a new one
The Tag has now been assigned to the record
Simply Stakeholders allows you to link Stakeholders with other Stakeholders and record the relationship they have with each other.
The ways in which we can link stakeholders are;
Individual to Individual - Used to display relationships such as Family, Neighbour, Husband, Colleague etc
Organisation to Organisation - Used to display the relationships between Organisations such as Parent Company, Corporate Partnership etc
Individual to Organisation - Used to display/link the employees and their position within the Organisation
Organisation to Division - Used to display different divisions/departments within an Organisation
Stakeholder to Property - Used to display the stakeholders relationship with the Property
How to link a Relationship
Navigate to the Relationship card
Click on Manage
Search or Create the Stakeholder record to link
βOnce the record has been linked, record the position or select the relationship from the dropdown options
In the details tab of your stakeholder, you can:
edit contact details
link properties
add notes and files
track stakeholder mapping
add a relationship manager
add contact groups
share the stakeholder across projects
Contact Details
The details that can be added to this card:
Customer ID
First Name, Last Name
Phone number
Social Media / website URL
Multiple contact details can be added, by clicking on the '+' button at the bottom of the card and selecting the field type.
A stakeholder can be changed from an individual to an organization (and vice versa) using the icons in the top righthand corner of the record: