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Creating Tasks on the Simply Stakeholders platform

Andy Fitzpatrick avatar
Written by Andy Fitzpatrick
Updated over a week ago
  1. Click on + Create > Task

  2. Add the required field details;

    • Type - Subject

    • Priority - Low, Medium & High

    • Assignee - A user

    • Status - To Do, In Progress, Done and Cancelled

    • Task Board

    • Date Opened - created date

    • Date Due

    • Toggle on if task is to be recurring - set recurrence and end date

    • Add description of the task

  3. Click on Save & Exit. The record has been saved and you will return to the screen you were on. + Add More to add tags and/or link interactions and stakeholders. Or, Click on Save & Continue. The stakeholder record will open where additional details can be added.

  4. In the Summary tab:

    • Comments - Add additional comments that are not covered in the initial message, each time there are updates to the task add it in this section to keep track of what has been done. This is automatically date/time stamped and all users added in the 'Notification' card will be notified

    • Timeline - Link any interactions

    • Tagging - Assign the Tag/s connected to this Task

    • Files- Add any files that are linked to the Task

    • Notifications - Any users added here will be notified about updates to the Task

  5. In the Details tab:

    • Stakeholder - Link the Stakeholder

    • Assign a Project

    • Scheduling - this is where you can assign Recurring tasks or edit task scheduling and assignment details.

  6. Click on the Tasks Tab to view all Tasks and Status

    • You can look at the list view and see the current status of the Task

    • You can switch to Kanban view and you can drag the tasks from one status to another

  7. The task ID can be viewed by exporting tasks, or by previewing it in the URL as below:

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