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Network Mapping

An easy visual chart displaying a Stakeholders connections and relationships

Andy Fitzpatrick avatar
Written by Andy Fitzpatrick
Updated over a week ago

Stakeholder relationships can be complex, and Simply Stakeholders allows you to manage these complexities.

With Network Mapping, you can clearly and easily map a Stakeholder's relationships with organisations, stakeholders and your project. Network Mapping links to the relationships card, and once mapped you can get an easily understood visual map of your Stakeholders relationships, enabling you to know exactly where they fall within an organisation and target your engagement.

Navigating to Network Mapping

  • Navigate to your chosen Stakeholder Record

  • The Relationships Card is linked to Network Mapping. Whatever you add via Network Mapping will display in the Relationships Card, and vice versa. You can also unlink Stakeholders/ organisations in the relationships card to remove them in Network Mapping.

  • Select 'Network Mapping' (highlighted below) from the tiles in the top right hand corner

  • This will open the Network Mapping display. Here, you will be able to see a Stakeholders Network Mapping, as well as set up an edit this mapping.

Network Mapping Terms

  • Internal Stakeholder - a Stakeholder this person has a relationship with within their primary organisation

  • External Stakeholder - a Stakeholder this person has a relationship with from another organisation

  • External Organisations - Another Organisation this person has a relationship with

  • Relationship Managers - A user within your Simply Stakeholders whom you can assign to manage the relationship for this Stakeholder

Once added, Network Mapping will display this Stakeholder and their relationships in tiered, tree like fashion, and enables you to quickly and easily see who this Stakeholder works for, who they report too, who reports to them, and what other organisations they are connected with.

Please see below for a video walkthrough of Network Mapping

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