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Reports & Exporting
How to generate Reports breaking down the data within your Simply Stakeholders platform
DashboardProvides beneficial data analysis and reporting in a easy customizable view, with drag and drop widgets to customize your Dashboard.
Build your own ReportCreate your own dashboard style report as a way to present the data held in Simply Stakeholders, allowing you to build Charts and Widgets.
Reporting using Advanced FiltersYou can use saved filters from your interactions module to assist you to build more complex and targeted reports using advanced filters.
Regulatory Reporting
Paid Add-on: Learn about creating customised regulatory reports
Text SummarizationExplore Simply Stakeholder's AI-driven text summarization tool functionality.
Customizable Stakeholder ReportingA premium Stakeholder Reporting function, allowing for complex reporting on Stakeholder details and Interactions.
Exporting Records
Look at how to export your records from Simply Stakeholders
Exporting your Records (data)Exporting your records from Simply Stakeholders is fast and easy!
Exporting your DataExporting data is fast and easy! You can export your Stakeholders, Interactions, Tasks, Properties, User lists, and Audits.
Segmenting (Filtering) Your RecordsFiltering records allows you to segment your data into date ranges, projects, work streams or other useful categories.
Exporting StakeholdersQuick overview of how to export stakeholder records.
Exporting InteractionsQuick overview of how to export Interaction records.
Exporting TasksQuick overview of how to export your Tasks.
Exporting PropertiesQuick overview of how to export Property records.