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Recent Updates to Simply Stakeholders

Ensuring you are using the most up to date version of Simply Stakeholders.

Andy Fitzpatrick avatar
Written by Andy Fitzpatrick
Updated over a week ago

To ensure you are using the most up-to-date version of Simply Stakeholders, please follow these instructions

Release v2.1.30 - 2024-09-09

Please note certain enhancements are add-on features. For more information, please contact your Customer Success Manager.


  • New Integration - Group Mail - Ability to integrate Whispir as a third party provider for Group Mail. Reach out to your Customer Success Account Executive to find out more.

  • Group Mail - improved responsiveness of the Unsubscribe footer. Rich Text Editor will now automatically display more functions

  • Complaints module - Allow Users to be able to edit "Closed Date"

  • Interactions - improvements made to data export: adding scheduling information


  • Reports & Dashboard performance improvements, including improving accuracy of totals displayed and completeness of data sources.

  • Stakeholders performance improvements, including improving Relationships Card record linking, improvements made to Stakeholder Report, resolved navigation issues for Relationship Health Score interface.

  • Forms performance improvements, improvement to functionality, including ability to make the details section field names editable.

  • Task Notifications stabilisation and performance improvements, including fix to incorrect task notifications being sent out.

  • Group Mail - performance improvements, including fix to broken image display for Gmail.

  • Interaction Annotations stabilisation and performance improvements, including fixing issue with removal of auto-generated tags on records page.

  • Simply Stakeholders Platform Infrastructure: General Performance Improvements. Improvements to security and data protection measures.

Release v2.1.29 - 2024-08-19

Please note certain enhancements are add-on features. For more information, please contact your Customer Success Manager.


  • AI generated Tags– Using our AI engine to generate tags for interactions – there will be less tags to choose from and the usability of the tags will increase

  • Print/Save Functionality on reports- you are now able to print or save your custom reports in pdf format. Note that you MUST let the reports load before pressing print.

  • Change to the filter experience - Improving the search functionality to reset the results when a new filter is applied, it resets and is not a subset of the current filter. This is across all modules.

  • Network Mapping – A small change to the map by removing the organisation from inside the box and only appearing outside the box.

  • Inactive Stakeholders – Updated to be greyed out in the relationship card, so that there is a consistency across the platform – as currently greyed out in the stakeholder page.

  • Map View Resize in Geo Mapping (stakeholders, interactions & properties)– Allowing size of the map to resized without losing visibility when scrolling across the screen regardless the size of the size.

  • Outlook Add In – A progress indicator appears on the screen to let you know the status.

  • Release process improvement – There is a slight change the platform release times and is now region specific

    • UE (UK and EU): Release at 12 PM AEST

    • AUC (AU, US, and CA): Release at 5 PM AEST



  • Outlook add in improvement -The Autosave functionality has been updated and all autosaved email addresses will be saved – see email from your CS representative

  • Task Notifications - The notifications will now only be sent as when the task is added, an update to the task or it due – there will be no sending of notifications without a purpose.

  • Simply Stakeholders Platform Infrastructure: General performance enhancements including bulk edit function in stakeholder, updating mobile phone numbers.

Release v2.1.28 - 2024-07-29

Please note certain enhancements are add-on features. For more information, please contact your Customer Success Manager.


  • New function! Auto-Tagging - backdate historical interaction data. Please see here for more information on Auto-Tagging historical data. Please see here for a guide on Auto Generating Tags.


  • Security and Data Integrity increased security, stabilisation and performance improvements, including removing known vulnerabilities.

  • Properties & Geo mapping performance improvements, including more effective map loading and improving coordinates accuracy.

  • Interaction Imports and Reports widgets now displaying correctly and Communication ID now displaying as a Mapping Field

  • Outlook Add In stabilisation and performance enhancements

Release v2.1.27 - 2024-07-08

Please note certain enhancements are add-on features. For more information, please contact your Customer Success Manager.


  • Brand new function! Automated Workflows have been released. Find out more about Automated Workflows here.

  • New feature: Re-occurring tasks! You can now set tasks to be re-occurring on a schedule and set an end date. See more here.

  • Deletion of Projects by Administrators now possible.

  • Outlook Add-in - new auto-log tool developed, including automated saving of error logs - updated information here.


  • Reports stabilisation and performance improvements, including improving accuracy and completeness of data sources.

  • Forms stabilisation and performance improvements, including removing Mobile Phone as a mandatory field.

  • Properties performance improvements, including more effective deduping function; when creating a new property validation is required when mandatory fields are blank.

  • Outlook Add-in stabilisation and performance improvements.

  • Exporting Interactions: Resolved issue with being able to export interactions with copied formatting from external sources.

  • Interaction Annotations stabilisation and performance improvements, including fixing issue with annotations not displaying or highlighting text correctly; fixing issue with incorrect display of annotation tags on records page.

  • Administration Menu stabilisation and performance improvements, including issue with displaying tags and sub-tags in Manage Tags interface; now allowing users to create empty/no-name Communication Method.

  • Simply Stakeholders Platform Infrastructure: General Performance Improvements.

Release v2.1.26 - 2024-06-17


  • Interactions can be filtered by Stakeholder Mapping - i.e. Interactions involving only High Influence stakeholders or Low influence etc.

  • Reports update with the ability to drill down into the Table, Pie and Doughnut charts to show additional information.


  • Group mail sender name no longer defaults to the email address.

  • Group mail is compatible with the new version of Outlook.

  • Bulk Edit updates.

  • Reports; fixed the legend data accuracy.

  • Timeline card now correctly displays interactions from selected project vs all projects.

  • Performance issues relating to linking records and projects.

  • Saved Filters used for Stakeholders, Interactions and Reports.

  • GeoMapping bug relating to overlapping information.

  • GeoMapping Filters issue when swapping views.

  • Relationship Health Score is now a rounded-up score.

Release v2.1.25 - 2024-05-27


  • You can now Filter and Export the list of Users from the User management interface.

  • When creating a Form with the Complaint type applied, for Accounts with the Complaints module, a complaint interaction will now be automatically created when a user submits a complaint Form, rather than just a general interaction.

  • Interaction type selection for importing Interactions - you will now be able to select the Interaction type (General, Complaint, Commitment) when importing. If you leave this column blank it will import as a General Interaction type.

  • Importing Properties will now allow you to import custom fields.

  • Confirmation window pop-up for unmerging duplicate Stakeholders: a pop-up window will now appear confirming "Unmerging this record will restore the duplicate record. Are you sure you want to continue with this action".

  • The Calendar view in Tasks or Interactions will now show all the the Tasks or Interactions for each date-range on the calendar.

  • Projects drop-down menu will now show up in the '+Add More' section on the 'Create' card.

  • Auto-tagging now also auto-tags interactions created via the Import function and via the Outlook email Add-in.

  • The Icons for Interactions in the timeline card now reflect the colour coding for Complaints [red] and Commitments [blue].

  • The Relationship Health Score widget in the Stakeholder record has been enhanced to show an Auto Generated % score and a field for a User Defined score to be entered.


  • Resolved the issue of a 404 message error occurring and user being redirected to the incorrect project when changing an interaction or a task from an incorrect project to a different correct project.

  • When a stakeholder is connected via Network Mapping, the changes are now reflected immediately in Relationship Card.

  • The Email and Print buttons in the Reports section are not functioning correctly, these have now been removed while a larger fix to the overall functionality is being developed.

  • Auto-tagging via "Generate Tags" no longer removes pre-existing linked tags. Both pre-existing and auto-generated tags are now retained on the record.

  • When using the saved filters on the advanced search page, the filters are now displaying correctly with no errors.

  • You can now export all stakeholders when in the "All Projects Mode".

  • Stakeholder records can now be exported when custom Stakeholder Mapping Value labels have been applied.

  • Stakeholders that are shared across more than one project, will no longer display number of Interactions from other projects in reporting dashboards.

  • Forms are now able to be bulk deleted without server errors.

  • You can now no longer incorrectly unlink a Form with responses from a project.

  • Generated Tags are now no longer carried over into new Interactions.

  • Upon saving an Organisation via the Outlook Add-in the second part of the name is no longer being duplicated.

  • Locked checkbox in the User Account management interface is now being checked when the account is Locked via 3 failed login attempts.

  • Performance of administration management, including the Manage Tags and Manage Contact Groups functions, improved.

  • General Performance Improvements.

Release v2.1.24 - 2024-05-06


Release v2.1.23 - 2024-04-15


  • Notifications now automatically send when a task/complaint is created or the assignee is changed. You also have an option to manually send an email notification from either record.

  • Clicking on the stakeholder avatar from the search page of an interaction will open the stakeholder record.

  • Visual updates to 'Network Mapping'.


  • Cursor no longer jumping when trying to type in fields.

  • Fixes to the Audit page.

  • Sent GroupMail now showing in the timeline card.

  • Tags now showing in Tasks export spreadsheet.

  • 2FA logins and setup now working.

  • 'Files/attachments' now available in export spreadsheets.

  • GroupMail Checkbox is now working.

  • Forms 'Updates and comments' available in export spreadsheet.

  • Country code now stays updated when selected.

  • Server error when creating tasks no longer showing.

Release v2.1.22 - 2024-03-25


  • Task import now includes 'In progress' status.

  • Properties now automatically populates the address when importing only Latitude and Longitude.

  • Task board to now open in Kanban style view.

  • SMS can now be sent from Interactions page.

  • Editing now possible in 'All projects mode'.

  • Only 1 primary Organisation will be flagged for each Stakeholder.


  • Fixed 'Top search bar' results.

  • Forms now consistently showing responses.

  • Tasks - editing message with text or text to speech now saves.

  • Interactions Subject field now showing again, instead of Stakeholder name.

  • GroupMail - able to send to Contact Groups.

  • Resolved Annotations not adding sentiment.

Release v2.1.21 - 2024-03-04


  • Reports are now available for 'custom fields' for interaction and stakeholder records. Custom text fields can be reported as tables, while other question types (e.g., multiple choice or dropdowns) can be displayed as various chart types.

  • KML/KMZ files can now be set as the default view for all map views, overriding any manually inputted map center coordinates.

  • Properties with only longitude and latitude coordinates can now be added.

  • Stakeholders linked to a property can be accessed and viewed directly from the map view by clicking on the property.

  • Stakeholders responding to forms can now be automatically added to a contact group.

  • Forms now support anonymous responses.

  • Interaction types (commitment, complaints or general) can now be bulk edited and updated for interaction records.

  • Audit function updated.


  • Resolved error message when attempting to change dates in Interactions.

  • Fixed issue where KMZ files were not displaying on the map for EU region.

  • Imported interaction tags now display correctly in the Admin menu.

  • Resolved issue with bulk editing stakeholders not working.

Release v2.1.20 - 2024-02-12


  • Stakeholder mapping now available in 'All-projects mode': Users can view the mapping of a stakeholder across all the projects they are involved in.

  • Sub filters have been included to enable users to select more than one data point while reporting


  • Fixed 'System error' pop up when selecting a confidential record for a Role.

  • Interactions no longer being duplicated when using the BCC email address.

  • Email Notifications are now being sent after a complaint has been closed.

  • Blank card on a stakeholder record is no longer being displayed for accounts with Properties turned off.

  • Stakeholder Import is now working on the US server.

  • EU clients able to login again.

Release v2.1.19 2024-01-29


  • Outlook: You are now able to manage tags, interaction type & confidentiality directly from the add in. Refer to article here.

  • Import properties: You are now able to 'Import Properties' from the Admin Settings menu. Refer to the help notes here.


  • Admin settings: 'Manage Tags' Please refer to the help notes here.

  • Stakeholder name now displays when hovering over the initials on the search page.

  • Stakeholder Search Filter: First Name and Last Name fields are included.

  • Added Duplicate check window on create pop up page: Duplicate records will now be shared from other projects when creating a Stakeholder record.


  • Stakeholder - Error pop up when opening stakeholder record has been fixed

  • Interaction - Notes are now saving properly.

  • Properties - Uploaded KMZ files are now being displayed on the map and can be shared with other projects.

  • Dashboard: Fixed the 'page unresponsiveness' pop up.

  • Contact group can be used as an interaction filter.

  • Contact groups can now be selected/de-selected for SMS interactions.

  • Custom fields in Stakeholder records on the "Contact Groups" card now display correctly.

  • Search pages: when coming back to the search page after navigating to edit pages, page and items per page are now retained.

  • Fixed inconsistencies in users typing in the annotation card.

  • Stakeholder Mapping has been updated in the 'Create Stakeholder' Popup.

  • Projects can now be viewed/hidden based on confidentiality level.

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